Rat removal and rat control services are essential because our Brisbane buildings are ideal habitats for all rodents. They provide food, water, warmth and shelter, and it is for those reasons you may notice rats inside buildings more in the cooler months.

Jim’s rat exterminator services covers all around Brisbane, both Northside and Southside, as well as Ipswich, Gold Coast, and Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Simply call us on 131 546 and talk to use about how to get rid of rats fast and effectively.

Why you need rat removal & rat control. They can:

  • Spread disease to humans via their droppings or urine.
  • Spread sickness and death via parasites such as fleas and intestinal worms.
  • Cause extensive physical damage to doors, skirting boards, books, food containers and upholstery.
  • Spoil and Contaminate food with their droppings, urine or fur.
Rat removal & rat control Brisbane

Signs of rodent activity include:

  • Droppings – new rodent droppings are shiny and pliable and within 2-3 days become dull and hard. Mouse droppings are 3-6mm long and have pointed ends. Rat droppings are up to 12mm long and have blunted ends
  • Rubmarks – these are greasy smear marks and they are caused when rodents rub their fur against vertical surfaces such as walls
  • Burrows – rat burrows are normally found next to waterways and buildings.
  • Sounds – rats and mice are normally heard at night and they include squeaking in the case of mice and clawing and gnawing in the case of rats.
  • Nest – a rodent nest is usually made of rags and paper and cardboard.
  • Gnawing – rats gnaw to keep their incisors down and use wood, metal, conduit and cables in order to do this. When rats gnaw cables for instance this can expose bare wires and cause short circuits or fires.

What is the Treatment?

Set up a guaranteed program to control rodents in a building and it’s surrounding environment and advise how you can help reduce future problems.

  • Inspect We will carry out a survey and report our findings.
  • Bait We will set up rodent bait stations at various strategic locations in and around the buildings. These rodent bait stations securely hold the bait within the station which means that secondary poisoning of non target animals are greatly reduced to almost zero.
  • Traps We can set up specially designed traps where baits cannot be used.
  • Tracking Powders Sometimes we may need to use rodent tracking powders.

What is the result?

Once the rodent problem has been solved, your Jim’s Termite & Pest Control franchisee will advise on measures you can take to reduce the risk of future infestations. He will also provide a guarantee on the service that he has provided.

Recommended Preventative Tips

  • Sanitation You can reduce food and water available to rodents. One way you can help is to avoid keeping rubbish indoors overnight.
  • Proofing We can advise you on ways you can help to proof your home against rodent entry. This may include simple measures such as fixing mesh over holes.
  • Yard Maintenance Keep grasses cut short and control any build up of rubbish around the outside of the house.
  • Remove food sources Always keep pet food in well-sealed containers and kept securely locked away overnight and when not in use.
  • Contact Us If you sense you may have a rodent infestation in your home, business or accommodation facility, professional eradication is the best option. Contact your local rodent expert, Jim’s Termite & Pest Control: Phone 131 546, or click here for a free quote.

Hotels & Accommodation Facilities

  • All the above, plus:
  • Educate staff in the identification and signs of a rodent infestation.
  • Ensure all rubbish containers are sealed and well secured.
  • Most importantly, contact Jim’s Termite & Pest Control immediately. Phone 131 546, or click here for a free quote.
  • Speak with your local franchisee about implementing an effective rodent management program.
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