If you’re after effective and safe wasp nest removal, look no further than Jim’s Termite and Pest Control Darwin.

Wasps can be extremely aggressive if disturbed. Stings can cause extreme pain, or worse, life threatening anaphylaxis.

It is not worth the risk to you and your family. Call our friendly staff today on 131546 for free, professional advice about wasp control.

What does wasp nest removal involve?

Wasps can cause painful stings and even, in some cases, death.

Their stings produce histamine in humans and can cause anaphylaxis. This can in turn cause swelling in airways, difficulty in breathing and a drop in blood pressure.

It is this condition that can prove life threatening.

Swarms can be very dangerous. If you discover a wasp nest, it may be very tempting to eradicate it yourself. Unless you are quick, you can be surrounded by hundreds of very angry wasps which may sting you many times over.

wasp nest removal

What is the treatment for wasps?

We thoroughly inspect your property for nests and make sure everything is safe before we start.

Ideally we locate the wasp nest on your property, then take necessary steps to prevent a swarm reaction to our activity. After that we then determine if wasp nest removal is possible, and/or apply a suitable pesticide to eradicate.

What is the result?

Once your the areas have been treated, the wasps will be removed from your home, office, or garden and you can sleep easy!

Recommended Preventative Tips

  • Keep Children and Pets out of harms way
  • Close all Windows and Doors
  • Ensure sweet and sticky foods are stored and sealed securely
  • Remove access to garbage and rubbish
  • If you sense you may have a wasp infestation, professional attention is the best option. Contact your local expert, Jim’s Termite & Pest Control: Phone 131 546, or click here for a free quote.

Hotels, Accommodation & Body Corporate

  •  All the above, plus:
  •  Ensure you train staff in the identification and signs of infestation
  • Inspect daily for nests and/or swarms
  • Most importantly, contact Jim’s Termite & Pest Control immediately to receive a fast service and an effective pest management program. Phone 131 546, or click here for a free quote
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