Army worms are a type of pest that can cause a great deal of damage to lawns and crops. They are particularly difficult to get rid of, and can be a major headache for farmers and homeowners alike. In this article, we will discuss army worm infestation and how to kill army worms.

An army worm infestation can be identified by their presence in large numbers, often devouring entire crops or lawns. The army worm larvae feed on grasses and other vegetation, and can quickly become a major problem if left unchecked.

To control the infestation, it is important to first identify the source of the army worms and then take action to remove them. Physical removal is one option, however insecticides may also be used as a last resort.

If you’re on the hunt for quality lawn pest control, call Jim’s on 131 546 to chat with your local pest expert.

How to kill army worms

In order to kill army worms effectively, it is important for your local pest controller to use an insecticide that specifically targets their larvae.

As different species of army worms have different levels of resistance to various insecticides, Jim’s Pest Control conducts research into which type of product will work best for your particular infestation.

Additionally, it is important to be mindful of environmental concerns when using insecticides, and ensure that they are used responsibly. Your local Jim’s exterminator is mindful of the impact on the environment at all times.

Army Worms Infestation

Can they cause damage?

Army worms can create a lot of damage in lawns, where they can quickly decimate turf and grass. An army worm infestation in a lawn should be dealt with as soon as possible to prevent further damage. In addition to using an appropriate insecticide, physical removal may also be effective if the infestation is not too severe.

In conclusion, army worms can cause significant amounts of damage if left unchecked, and it is essential that prompt action is taken when dealing with them.

By identifying the source of the infestation and taking measures to either physically remove or kill them with an appropriate insecticide, it is possible to protect crops and lawns from the destructive effects of army worms.

What are they?

Army worms are the larvae of various moths and butterflies, usually found around Autumn in Australia. They feed on grasses and other plants, and can quickly cause large-scale defoliation. The worms begin as eggs laid by adult moths which hatch into small caterpillars.

These caterpillars will then grow rapidly, reaching up to two inches long. The worms feast on foliage during this stage before forming a chrysalis from which they will emerge as winged adults ready to mate and lay more eggs.

One of the most effective ways of killing this pest is to use an insecticide specifically formulated for them. Your local Jim’s pest technician can advise you on the next step to exterminating your wormy problem. no matter how severe the infestation is.


What are army worms?

Army worms are the larvae of various moths and butterflies, usually found around Autumn in Australia.

Can army worms cause damage?

Yes, they can create a lot of damage in lawns, where they can quickly decimate turf and grass.

How can you kill army worms?

To kill them effectively, it is important for your local pest controller to use an insecticide that specifically targets their larvae.

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